Please read the following guidelines before submitting your video & image.
All video & image submissions must be made in English using the online submission form on the 3rd GYO Summit website, held in conjunction with the 20th TSCRS Annual Meeting.
(As the website is still under construction, delegates who wish to submit their works in advance must fill out this submission form and email their video and image (with the word file) to [email protected]. The TSCRS secretariat will confirm your submission upon receiving it.)
Delegates are required to complete the registration and payment for the annual meeting by 15 Apr 2025 in order to participate in this event.
Submission Commencement: Monday, 22 January 2025, 00:00hrs (GMT+8)
Submission Deadline: Sunday, 6 Apr 2025, 23:59hrs (GMT+8)
The meeting organizers will not accept responsibility for any video & image that have not been submitted according to the instructions.
Submitters must indicate whether they are submitting a video or an image for presentation by choosing the appropriate category.
1) Video & Image (If you submit an image, please attach the word file to describe. Please limit the number of characters to 100.)
- Cataract (no age limit)
- Refractive Surgery (no age limit)
- Other (under 40 YO only)
2) Presentation Type
- Video
- Image
Submission Guidelines for Video Competition:
- Should include submitting the title.
- The video must not exceed 5 minutes in duration.
- There are no restrictions on the subject matter; however, videos related to surgical techniques and the management of complications with significant educational value are especially encouraged.
- Any identifiable patient information must be obscured in the video.
- To align with international conferences, all videos must be presented in English.
- To ensure fairness in the preliminary round, the video must remain anonymous and avoid revealing any identifiable information about the submitter.
- Videos may include narration and background music.
- The video aspect ratio should be 16:9 (landscape).
Submission Guidelines for Image:
- Should include submitting the title.
- The image must include a word file describing it. Please limit the number of characters to 100.
- There are no restrictions on the subject matter; however, images related to surgical techniques and the management of complications with significant educational value are especially encouraged.
- To align with international conferences, all descriptions must be submitted in English.
- The maximum size of image should not exceed 12 MB.
Each registered delegate may submit a total of one entry, meaning they can only submit one item, either a video or an image.
All videos or images will be reviewed by a review committee jointly formed by the Taiwan Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons (TSCRS) and the Global Young Ophthalmology (GYO) Alliance. The committee’s decision is final.
Video Competition Awards: (All winners receive a trophy)
- The Winner: TWD 20,000
- First Runner-up: TWD 15,000
- Second Runner-up: TWD 10,000
- Best Popularity Award
- Best Potential Award
- Best Creativity Award
Image submission Awards: (All winners receive a trophy)
- The Winner
- First Runner-up
- Second Runner-up
Video Competition Process: To be determined
*If you have any problem submitting your abstract through the online system, please contact the Secretariat at [email protected] for assistance.
(由於網站仍在建設中,欲提前提交作品的代表必須填寫此提交表單,並將影片與圖片(附帶Word檔案)發送至 [email protected]。台灣白內障及屈光手術學會秘書處在收到後將確認您的提交。)
提交開始時間: 2025年1月22日,00:00(GMT+8)
提交截止時間: 2025年4月6日,23:59(GMT+8)
1) 影片與圖片(如果提交圖片,請附上描述文檔,字元數限制為100字以內。)
- 白內障(不限年齡)
- 屈光手術(不限年齡)
- 其他(限40歲以下)
2) 提交類型
- 影片
- 圖片
- 應提供影片的標題。
- 影片長度不得超過5分鐘。
- 影片的主題不設限制;然而,特別鼓勵與手術技巧及併發症處置有顯著教育意義的影片。
- 影片中必須遮蔽可辨識的病人信息。
- 為與國際會議接軌,所有影片必須以英文呈現。
- 為確保初賽的公平性,影片必須保持匿名,並避免揭露任何可辨識的投稿人身份信息。
- 影片可以包含旁白與背景音樂。
- 影片的比例應為 16:9(橫向)。
- 應提供圖片的標題。
- 圖片必須附有描述文檔,字元數限制為100字以內。
- 影片的主題不設限制;然而,特別鼓勵與手術技巧及併發症處置有顯著教育意義的圖片。
- 為與國際會議接軌,所有描述必須以英文提交。
- 圖片的大小不得超過 12 MB。
- 冠軍:TWD 20,000
- 第二名:TWD 15,000
- 第三名:TWD 10,000
- 最受歡迎獎
- 最具潛力獎
- 最具創意獎
- 冠軍
- 第二名
- 第三名
影片競賽流程: 待定
Submission form link: