Assisted in organizing the International Ophthalmology Academic Event of the Southern Taiwan Ophthalmological Society and the Taiwan Academy of Ophthalmology Time: October 6 (Sat.) and 7 (Sun.), 2007

Taiwan Academy of Ophthalmology 2007 Fall Symposium Brief Agenda (Tentative) Tentative Program Time: October 6 (Sat.)–7 (Sun.), 2007 Venue: 6F, Chi-Chuan Building, Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital   時間:2007年10月6日(星期六) 第一講堂 第二講堂 第一會議室 12:00 ~ 13:00 Lunch Symposium Martin A. Mainster, PhD (Sponsored by AMO) 12:30 ~ 16:00 報     到        Registration 13:30 ~ 13:50 開 幕 式  Opening Ceremony…

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Second International Congress of Cataract & Refractive Surgery and Symposium Across the Strait Time: June 17, 2007

Taiwan Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons Second International Congress of Cataract & Refractive Surgery and Symposium Across the Strait Final Notification Dear friends, we hope this letter finds you well.   TSCRS will hold the Second International Congress of Cataract & Refractive Surgery and Symposium Across the Strait on Sunday, June 17, 2007. Besides…

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Ophthalmology, Medical Ethics Educational Program and Spring Opthalmology Business Refractive Surgery Symposium Time: March 18, 2007

Taiwan Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons First Cataract Surgery Practitioner Seminar, Ophthalmology Medical Ethics Educational Program and Spring Opthalmology Business Refractive Surgery Symposium (First Notification)   Dear friends, we are glad to greet you.   Happy New Year. We wish you all the best in your endeavors for the new year! The First Spring…

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Second Session, First Cataract Surgery Practitioner Symposium (II-2) Unit 2: Training Program for Practitioners at Refractive Surgery Medical Institutions

Taiwan Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (TSCRS) First Cataract Surgery Practitioner Symposium (Second Notification) Unit 2, Session 2: Training Program for Practitioners at Refractive Surgery Medical Institutions Venue: Auditorium 103, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University Course Details: Knowledge about the basic principles of refractive surgery and guidelines about preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care…

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Unit 1, Session 2: Ophthalmologists Advanced Refractive Surgery Seminar

Taiwan Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (TSCRS) First Cataract Surgery Practitioner Symposium (Second Notification) Unit 1, Session 2: Ophthalmologists Advanced Refractive Surgery Seminar (II) Venue: Auditorium 102, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University Course Details: Continuing Education on Excimer Laser and Equipment Used by Businesses Target Audience: Primarily ophthalmologists (including specialists, members, members-to-be, and…

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First Session, First Cataract Surgery Practitioner Symposium (I) Time: November 13, 2006

Taiwan Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (TSCRS) First Cataract Surgery Practitioner Symposium (Second Notification)  First Session: Ophthalmologists Advanced Refractive Surgery Seminar (I) Course Details: AAO Basic and Clinical Science Course 2006-2007 (Noted AAO in the Course Table) Section 3 (Clinical Optics) AAO Basic and Clinical Science Course 2006-2007 (Noted AAO in the Course Table)…

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First International Congress of Cataract & Refractive Surgery and Symposium Across the Strait Time: June 18, 2006

Taiwan Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons First International Congress of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (Third Notification) Time: 08:00–17:00, Sun., June 18, 2006 Venue: Morning Agenda 1 for Auditordium 301, 3F, NTUH International Convention Center   場 次 時  間 講          題 講  師 07:30 開始報到 1 08:00~08:10 理事長致詞 (台灣屈光手術的過去、現在與未來) 陳德照 理事長 (台灣 德照眼科) 屈光手術專題(一) 蔡瑞芳 醫師、丘子宏 醫師、王一中 醫師、張朝凱…

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